8 Benefits to Working With a Local Insurance Agency

8 Benefits to Working With a Local Insurance Agency

Whether you are looking for business insurance or homeowners insurance, you may be wondering whether to work with a local insurance agency or a big, nationwide company. While both have their pros and cons, there are a ton of benefits to working with a local insurance...
12 Days of Christmas Shopping Safety

12 Days of Christmas Shopping Safety

Don’t get scrooged this year by thieves or car burglars this holiday season. At Hood Insurance, an insurance agency in Lynnwood, Washington we have seen our fair share of individuals impacted burglars and robbers. Here are some of our top Christmas Shopping Safety...
6  Insurance Tips for Homeowners at Halloween

6 Insurance Tips for Homeowners at Halloween

Spooky season is upon us, and soon the trick-or-treaters will be here before you know it! Get ahead of potential problems by making your home safe for trick-or-treaters (and protect yourself from liability) with these 6 insurance tips for homeowners at Halloween...